HRGSA BMP Project / Areawide II Handbook


Table of Contents






1.      Introduction

a.       Handbook Overview

b.      Descriptions of the Hood River Grower-Shipper Association’s Best Management Project and the Areawide II Project

2.      Water Quality Monitoring in the Hood River Valley - Jeff Jenkins and Steve Castagnoli,

a.       Summary of the water quality monitoring conducted in the Hood River Watershed

3.      Best Management Practices for Pesticide Use - Kristin Kerwin and Steve Castagnoli

a.       Best Management Practices defined

b.      Three reasons to proactively adopt BMPs

c.       Best Spray Practice Guidelines developed by the HRGSA Integrated Fruit Production Committee

d.      Each of the Best Spray Practices are described in detail with illustrations and benefits of adoption

i.         Cultural Practices

(1)   Unsprayed Buffers     

(2)   Cover Crop

ii.        Mixing and Loading

(1)   Mixing and Loading #1

(2)   Mixing and Loading #2

iii.      Maintenance and Calibration (including Tree Row Volume approach)

(1)   Regular Maintenance

(2)   Annual Maintenance

(3)   Calibration #1

(4)   Calibration #2

(5)   Tree Row Volume Approach

iv.      Application

(1)   Minimize Drift

(2)   Turn off nozzles at the end of each tree row

(3)   Spraying rows parallel to sensitive areas

(4)   Spraying rows perpendicular to sensitive areas

(5)   Dormant sprays

(6)   Paying attention to wind and weather conditions

4.      Phenology Models for Orchard Pest Management - Steve Castagnoli

a.       What are Phenology Models and why use them?

b.      Pest and disease models important for fruit growers in the Mid-Columbia:

c.       How to access phenology models,

i.         MCAREC Pest and Disease Model Summaries

ii.        Oregon Fruit Crop Pest Alert System

iii.      Online IPM Weather Data for Hood River

iv.      Online Phenology and Degree-day Models

5.      Alternatives to Organophosphate (OP) Insecticides - Helmut Riedl

a.       Use of OP insecticides on tree fruits

b.      Effectiveness of OP alternatives against specific pest problems

i.         Codling moth

ii.        Obliquebanded leafroller

iii.      San Jose scale

iv.      Woolly apple aphid

v.        Cherry fruit fly

c.       Impact of OPs and OP alternatives on natural enemies

d.      Reducing OP use in ‘sensitive areas’ 

i.         Scenarios for pre-bloom control programs

ii.        Scenarios for post-bloom control programs

(1)   Seasonal Codling Moth Control with Mating Disruption Alone or Mating Disruption Supplemented by Insecticides

(2)   Seasonal Codling Moth Control with Different Insecticide Programs

e.       Monitoring for Insect Pests

6.      Implementing Pheromone Mating Disruption for Codling Moth in Hood River Orchards - Steve Castagnoli

a.       What is causing the recent increase in codling moth damage?

b.      Why use mating disruption?

c.       How does mating disruption work?

d.      Codling moth pheromone characteristics

e.       Coding moth behavior

f.        Success with mating disruption – grower controlled and block-specific factors

g.      Monitoring for codling moth

h.      Impact of unmanaged orchards and backyard trees

7.      Funding Sources Available to Growers for Water Quality Related Projects - Kristin Kerwin


b.      HRSWCD – Small Grant Program, Large Grant Program, Small District Grants

c.       ODF&W – Riparian Tax Incentive Program, Access and Habitat Program

d.      FSACREP, CRP

e.       USFW – Private Stewardship Grant Program

f.        Oregon Office of Energy – Energy Loan Program, Business Energy Tax Credits

8.      Web Based Resources -   Kristin Kerwin

a.       Local agencies, organizations and institutions

b.      Instructions for sprayer maintenance and calibration

c.       Tree Row Volume

d.      Reducing off-target contamination

e.       State and national agencies, organizations and institutions

Appendix A.  Agricultural Water Quality Management Area Plan Rules

Appendix B.  2004 Pest Management Guide for Tree Fruits in the Mid-Columbia Area






Best Management Practices for Pesticide Use:

A Handbook for Growers








2nd Edition

Hood River, Oregon

April 2004




Kristin Kerwin

Best Management Practices Project Coordinator

Hood River Grower Shipper Association

Hood River, Oregon


Steve Castagnoli

Extension Horticulturist

Oregon State University

Hood River, Oregon


Other Contributors:


Helmut Riedl

OSU MCAREC Entomologist

Oregon State University

Hood River, Oregon


Jeffrey Jenkins

Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

Oregon State University

Corvallis, Oregon