Text Box: Maintain an unsprayed vegetated buffer of at least 20 feet between orchards and waterways.  Larger buffers maybe required for some pesticides near certain waterways.  A map of affected streams and a list of pesticide active ingredients requiring larger buffers are available at: http://www.oda.state.or.us/pesticide/pubform/maps/hoodriver.pdf
Decrease runoff that might contain pesticides by planting and maintaining cover crops to increase water penetration and intercept runoff.

Mix and load sprayers in areas where runoff cannot occur.  Maintain an air gap  between filler pipes and sprayers to prevent backflow.
Rinse pesticide containers when filling sprayers and mix rinsate into spray tank.  Store rinsed plastic containers away from waterways and recycle, do not burn.
Do not overfill sprayers.  Use anti-foaming agent to reduce the risk.
Apply spray-tank rinse water back into the orchard, do not drain it in one spot.
Clean up spills immediately.  Have spill absorbent material (cat litter, sawdust, etc.) available when mixing and loading.

Maintain and service equipment on a regular basis to avoid leaks, especially valves and hoses.
Calibrate sprayers to avoid over-application and reduce drift.

Minimize drift to waterways by increasing droplet size, using drift retardant, and avoiding application in high winds.
Turn off nozzles at the end of each tree row.
Make all efforts to eliminate drift near the edge of the orchard. When spraying rows parallel to sensitive areas spray only the outside of the outer two rows.  Spray inwards at lower speed for improved coverage.
When spraying rows perpendicular to sensitive areas turn off nozzles two to three trees from the end of each row.  Then return and spray the last two to three trees inward at a lower speed.
Apply dormant sprays with a minimum of 200 gallons of water per acre with increased Text Box: Hood River Grower-Shipper Association

Cultural Practices

Mixing and Loading

Maintenance and



The Hood River Grower-Shipper Association is working with local packing houses, chemical suppliers, and the OSU Experiment Station and Extension Service to protect our water resources while ensuring the continued availability of chemical crop protection tools.  These practices should help minimize the possibility of  pesticides and herbicides entering our  waterways.  You should review your operations and consider adjusting your practices as necessary to follow these recommendations.