Sixteen-to eighteen-year-old students living within the WestSide Rural Fire Protection District may apply for student membership in the West Side Fire Department (WSFD).

  The requirements of student firefighters are as follows:

  1. The student will complete the WSFD application form and submit the completed application to the WSFD Secretary or Fire Marshal.
  2. The application will be posted for a period of at least 30 days.
  3. The investigating committee will conduct the background checks for driving record and character.
  4. The investigating committee will schedule an interview with the student and the student's parent or guardian.
  5. The student will be required to have knowledge of the WSFD by-laws and standard operating guidelines (SOGs) at the time of  receiving department turn-outs and other gear.
  6. The investigating committee will determine if the student will be accepted as a student firefighter.


  The rules for and duties of the student firefighter are as follows:  

  1. The student will be allowed to leave school only for fire calls in theWest Side district. The student may not leave school for EMS calls.
  2. The student will not be in any WSFD building unless accompanied by a regular active member.
  3. The student will not operate any WSFD apparatus without permission from a chief officer.
  4. The student will not display a red light in their own automobiles.
  5. The student will have a valid Oregon driver's license, an automobile available for emergencies and WSFD meetings, and will show evidence of State of Oregon approved automobile liability insurance.
  6. The student will not enter any site of a structure fire until receiving permission from a chief officer that conditions are safe.
  7. The student will maintain good conduct, appearance, school grades, and citizenship.
  8. The student must show consistent attendance and participation in the WSFD activities.
  9. The student will be terminated from the student firefighter program forany violation of WSFD by-laws or SOGs.


Application forms can be obtained from the Fire Marshal (WSFD Station #2, 1185 Tucker Road, Hood River, OR, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday-Friday, 541-386-5551) or through any Officer of the WSFD.


Last updated 2/12/2003