1997 Klickitat County Spring North American Migration Count
		The first NAMC held in Klickitat County.

May 10, 1997	Compiled by Bob Hansen		Version 3.6.99

TR/WS= Trout Lake/White Salmon, Cnby NWLR = Conboy National Wildlife Refuge
Cthrn Creek = Catherine Creek, Klckt River = Klickitat River

   Sectors--->	TR/   Cnby   Cthrn  The	    Klckt   Dalles-  East   
		WS    NWLR   Creek  Land    River    port    of 97
   Species                                                            Total   

1 Pied-bll Grebe 1							1
  Western Grebe								0
1 D-crstd Crmrnt					1		1
1 A. Bittern	 1							1
1 Gr Blue Heron	 3		2		4	1		10
  Bl-cr Nght Hrn							0
  Tundra Swan								0
1 Canada Goose 100			12	56	56	8	232
1 Wood Duck	 5	2			2	5		14
  Gr-winged Teal							0
1 Mallard      100	4		2	10	16	5	137
  N Pintail								0
1 Cinnamon Teal  8	4				5		17
  N Shoveler								0
  Gadwall								0
  A. Wigeon								0
  Wigeon, sp.								0
1 Rng-nckd Duck	 6							6
  Greater Scaup								0
  C. Goldeneye								0
  B. Goldeneye								0
1 Bufflehead	 1				3			4
1 Hd Merganser	 2							2
1 C Merganser	 6				2			8
  Ruddy Duck								0
1 Turky Vultre  16	5	8		12	9	2	52
1 Osprey	 6				1	5		12
1 Bald Eagle					2			2
1 N. Harrier					1		1	2
  Sh-shnd Hawk								0
1 Cooper's Hawk  1							1
  Accipiter,sp.								0
1 Rd-tailed Hawk 5	1	3	2	16	4	2	33
  R-legged Hawk								0
1 Golden Eagle					1			1
1 A.  Kestral	 2				8	3	12	25
  Merlin								0
  Pergrn Falcon								0
  Prairie Falcon							0
1 Gray Partridge				2			2
1 Chukar							1	1
1 R-nk Pheasant  3			1		1		5
1 Ruffed Grouse	 1							1
  Wild Turkey								0
1 Clfrnia Quail	 1							1
  Virginia Rail								0
  Sora									0
1 American Coot						1		1
  Semiplm  Plvr								0
1 Killdeer	 6			2	6	3	2	19
  Sltry Sndpiper							0
1 Spt Sandpiper	10	1						11
  W. Sandpiper								0
  L. Sandpiper								0
  L-billd Dwitchr							0
  Common Snipe								0
  R-nck Phalrope							0
1 Rng-billd Gul l2						1	3
1 Calif. Gull   20	10			17	10	6	63
  Glcs-wngd Gull							0
  Gull, species								0
1 Caspian Tern							12	12
1 Rock Dove	50					10		60
1 Mourning Dove  2	3		2	5	4	8	24
  Barn Owl								0
  W Screch Owl								0
  Gr Horned Owl								0
1 Burrowing Owl							1	1
  Sht-eared Owl								0
  N Saw-wet Owl								0
1 Vaux Swift	20			2	12	2		36
  Anna'a Hmgbrd								0
1 Caliope Hmgbd	 1				4			5
1 Rufous Hmgbrd  				1			7
1 Bltd Kingfisher				1			1
1 Lewis Wdpckr			1		6	1	3	11
1 Acorn Wdpckr				2				2
  Rd-npd Spsckr								0
  R-brstd Spsckr							0
1 Dwny Wdpckr					1			1
  Hairy Wdpcker								0
  W-hd Wdpcker								0
1 N Flckr(R-shf)40	2						42
  N Flckr(Y-shf)							0
  Pleatd Wdpckr								0
  Woodpckrs, sp								0
1 W Wood Pwee	10	1		1				12
1 Hmmds Flycthr	 1							1
  Dsky Flyctcher							0
1 Wstrn Flycthr							1	1
  Empidonax, sp								0
  Gray Flyctcher							0
1 Say's Phoebe				1		4	2	7
1 A-thrt Flyctchr			2	1			3
1 W Kingbird	 1		2	5	5	6	6	25
1 Horned Lark					13	7	6	26
1 Tree Swallow 100				10			110
1 V-Gr Swallow 100	10		1	109	15	6	241
1 N. R. Swallow 11				1			12
1 Cliff Swallow	10	25	15		120	25	60	255
1 Barn Swallow	20				10	7	2	39
1 Stellers Jay	12	1			1			14
1 W Scrub Jay	 4	1		1	1	6		13
1 Bl-blld Magpie				1	8	1	10
1 American Crow	20	6	2	2	14	15	5	64
1 C. Raven	20	6			2		2	30
1 Bl-c Chckadee 12	2	1					15
1 Mtn Chickadee								0
1 Ch-b Chckadee  2							2
  Bushtit								0
1 R-brst Nthtch 50	6						56
1 W-brst Nuthtch		1					1
  Pgmy Nuthtch								0
  Brown Creeper								0
  Rock Wren								0
  Canyon Wren								0
  Bewck's Wren								0
  House Wren								0
  Winter Wren								0
  A. Dipper								0
1 G-crwn Kinglet 10							10
1 R-crwn Kinglet 50							50
1 W. Bluebird			1		5	1	8	15
1 Mtn Bluebird							60	60
  Twnd's Soltaire							0
  Swnsns Thrsh								0
1 Hermit Thrush   5							5
1 A. Robin	 50	10	5	2	6	3	3	79
1 Varied Thrush		1						1
  American Piptit							0
  C. Waxwing								0
1 Lggrhd Shrike							1	1
1 E.  Starling	100	12		5	50	30	20	217
1 Solitary Vireo 50						1	51
  Hutton's Vireo							0
  Warbling Vireo							0
  O-crwn Wrbler								0
1 Nshvll Wrbler 100				1			101
  Yellow Warbler							0
1 Y-r Wrblr(Aud)						2	2
1 Bl-th Gry Wrblr 4							4
  Twnsds Wrbler								0
1 McGlvry Wrbler  1							1
1 C Yellowthroat  7							7
  Wlsons Wrbler								0
1 W. Tanager	  4	1	1		4	1	1	12
1 Bl-hd Grsbeak	100	1				1		102
1 Lazuli Bunting			5	8	1	3	17
1 Sptted Towhee  50	2			1	1	1	55
  Chpng Sparrow	100		1	5			9	115
  Brwrs Sparrow								0
1 Vespr Sparrow					10	6	2	18
1 Lark Sparrow							5	5
1 Savnh Sparrow						1		1
  Grshpr Sprrow								0
1 Fox Sparrow	  2							2
1 Song Sparrow	 10							10
  Lnclns Sprrow								0
1 G-crwn Sprrow   2	1				1		4
1 W-crwn Sprrow	  5	7	1					13
  Sparrow, sp.								0
1 Drk-eye Junco	 20	5		1		1	1	28
1 R-wng Blckbrd 100	6			28	50		184
1 W. Meadwlark	  2	2	3	5	38	45	40	135
  Y-hd Blackbird							0
1 Brwrs Blckbrd 100				79	65	50	294
1 Br-hd Cowbird	  2				11	2		15
1 Bullocks Oriole 2			2	2	5		11
1 Purple Finch	  4				1	2		7
  Cassin's Finch							0
1 House Finch	 10	4			13	12	3	42
  Red Crossbill								0
1 Pine Siskin	 50				3			53
1 Lssr Goldfinch				1	8		9
1 Am  Goldfinch						4		4
1 Evnng Grsbeak	100	3		47	34	15		199
1 House  Sprrow  10	1			3	2		16
   Total birds	848	146	47	110	759	487	365	3762
103 Total species	68
No. of parties	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
No. of obsrvers	1	1	1	2	2	3	3	8

Hours on foot	9	4	2		2.5	1.5	0.5
Hours in car	3	7			1.8	3	5
Hours stationary				2
Miles on foot					1
Miles in car	100	122	1		95	15	135

Start time	5:30	 	1030	5:30	755	900	1200
Stop time	1730		1430	800	1615	1200	1800

Compiler     Franklin	Kathy	Karen	Bob	Laurie	Bob	Bob Hansen
	     Petersen	McCavit	Hans	Hansen	Smith	Hansen	Carol Ledford
Other 					Kathy	Robyn	Carol	Kathy Patterson
party				      Patterson Dobson	Ledford
members							Kathy

Temperatures	40-70+			48-50		70	80+
Wind, mph	Calm
Precipitation				0		0	0
Cloud cover, %				10		0	0