Klickitat County Spring 2002
North American Migration Count

May 11, 2002

Compiled by Bob Hansen
Formatted for the Web by Jane Hadley

Conboy NWLR = Conboy National Wildlife Refuge
Klickitat River includes Dallesport this year.

North American Count Sectors for Klickitat County

  Species Sectors Total
 Common Loon         0
 Pied-bill Grebe         0
1Horned Grebe        11
 Red-nckd Grbe         0
 Eared Grebe         0
1Western Grebe        11
 Clark's Grebe         0
1Double-crested Cormorant        33
 A. Bittern         0
1Great Blue Heron   113  2319
1Great Egret  1cw     1
 Green Heron         0
1Black-crowned Night Heron    1   56
1Turkey Vulture51 1519383559
 Tundra Swan         0
1Greater White-fronted Goose  3      3
1Canada Goose 133135692 422176
1Wood Duck 2153    121
1Gadwall8 2      10
1A. Wigeon2  2     4
 Wigeon, sp.         0
1Blue-winged Teal  3      3
1Cinnamon Teal 345     12
 N Shoveler         0
 N Pintail         0
1Green-winged Teal  2      2
 Redhead         0
1Ring-necked Duck5 422   cw13
 Greater Scaup         0
 Lesser Scaup         0
 scaup, sp         0
 Harlequin Duck         0
 C. Goldeneye         0
1B. Goldeneye 16 2     18
 Bufflehead         0
1Hd Merganser        11
1C Merganser 1 426    31
 Red-breasted Merganser         0
 Ruddy Duck         0
 Duck, sp.   2  1  3
1Osprey41 51  1113
1Bald Eagle 1 12  1 5
1N. Harrier    4  127
1Sharp-shinned Hawk  1     12
1Cooper's Hawk    1    1
1N. Goshawk1        1
 Accipiter,sp.         0
 Red-shouldered Hawk         0
1Swainson's Hawk        112
1Red-tailed Hawk131710845443
1Rough-legged Hawk   1     1
 Buteo, sp   1  1 13
1Golden Eagle      2 cw2
1A. Kestrel22415255733
1Merlin      2  2
1Peregrine Falcon  1      1
 Prairie Falcon         0
 large falcon,sp         0
 Gray Partridge         0
1Chukar      24612
1Ring-necked Pheasant3 1  1   5
 Blue Grouse         0
1Ruffed Grouse2 11     4
1Wild Turkey   2     2
1California Quail28 4208102389110
1Virginia Rail 322     7
1Sora5 6      11
1American Coot11  1   25
1Sandhill Crane  7cw     7
1Semiplm Plvr  3      3
1Killdeer7 9472 21142
 Bl-necked Stilt         0
 Avocet         0
 G. Yellowlegs         0
1L. Yellowlegs  2      2
cwSltry Sndpiper       cw 0
1Spt Sandpiper 33 94  322
 Uplnd Sndpiper         0
1Lng-blld Curlew       112
 Sanderling         0
 S-palm.Sndppr         0
 W. Sandpiper         0
 L. Sandpiper         0
 Baird's Sndppr         0
 Pectorial Sdnpr         0
 Dunlin         0
1S-billd Dwitchr  5      5
 L-billd Dwitchr         0
1Common Snipe  11   1  12
1W. Phalarope  2      2
 R-nk Phalarope         0
 Bonapartes Gl         0
1Ring-billed Gull1  17 5 1529
1California Gull   7117   5129
 Herring Gull         0
 Thayer's Gull         0
 Glcs-wngd Gull         0
 Sabine's Gull         0
 Gull, species   860  101795
1Caspian Tern   2     2
 Common Tern         0
 Forster's Tern         0
1Rock Dove1  75   922
 Bnd-tld Pigeon         0
1Mourning Dove15712178101949128
 Barn Owl         0
1W Screch Owl   2     2
1Gr Horned Owl   3    25
 N. Pygmy Owl         0
 Burrowing Owl         0
 Sht-eared Owl         0
 N Saw-wet Owl         0
 owl, sp.         0
1C. Poorwill        33
1Vaux Swift27  37222   88
cwWh.thrtd Swift   cw     0
 Bl-chndHmgbrd         0
1Anna's Hmgbrd1  12    4
1Caliope Hmgbd28 4422  22
1Rufous Hmgbrd5  414    23
 hummngbrd,sp   5 3  19
1Bltd Kingfisher   15   28
1Lewis Wdpckr   631514130
1Acorn Wdpckr   2     2
1Rd-npd Spsckr     2   2
1R-brstd Spsckr 1       1
1Dwny Wdpckr3    4  29
1Hairy Wdpcker  11212  7
 W-hd Wdpcker         0
1N Flckr (R-shft)117109125 1459
 N Flckr (Y-shft)         0
1Pleatd Wdpckr 1 111   4
 Woodpckrs, sp   2     2
1Olv-sd Flyctchr1 3      4
1W Wood Pwee  1 1    2
1Hmds Flyctchr1 1   1  3
1Dsky Flyctcher  6      6
 Empidonax, sp         0
1Gray Flyctcher     3   3
 P Slp Flyctchr         0
1Say's Phoebe    2 19416
1A-thrt Flyctchr   6     6
1W Kingbird818425672526110
1Lggrhd Shrike        44
1Cassin's Vireo11 467    28
 Hutton's Vireo         0
1Warbling Vireo4  218   731
 Red-eyed Vireo         0
1Gray Jay1  3     4
1Stellers Jay101689534  55
1Scrub Jay492 24267   108
 Clark's Ntcrckr         0
1Bl-blld Magpie    12321220
1American Crow575161549511221181
1C. Raven25314156812074
1Horned Lark    9612151557
1Purple Martin2        2
1Tree Swallow41240 5587  153
1V-Gr Swallow58123016718611 25471
1N.R-w Swallow525      333
1Bank Swallow        1212
1Cliff Swallow34 13932075 23245647
1Barn Swallow   1471756151781
 swallow,sp.   100     100
1Bl-c Chickadee184123197   72
1Mtn Chickadee  3  11  5
1Ch-b Chckadee128 1     21
1Bushtit3       cw3
1R-brst Nuthtch781013122  43
1W-brst Nuthtch   4413  12
 Pgmy Nuthtch         0
 Brown Creeper         0
1Rock Wren   1    56
1Canyon Wren    1  1 2
1Bewick's Wren  1 1 2 59
1House Wren4 422 2 216
1Winter Wren4        4
 Marsh Wren    2    2
 A. Dipper         0
1G-crwn Kinglet4   1    5
1R-crwn Kinglet 45 31  215
1W. Bluebird  315121414  58
1Mtn Bluebird     228272178
 bluebird, sp.         0
1Twnd's Soltaire 15      6
1Swnsns Thrsh      1  1
1Hermit Thrush11  2 1  5
1A. Robin49375039851514311303
1Varied Thrush 1 1     2
 Sage Thrasher         0
1American Piptit  1 1    2
1C. Waxwing        11
1E. Starling113202515216045502820613
1O-crwn Wrbler5 2126104 250
1Nshvlle Wrbler47223301346 cw125
1Yellow Warbler31431   315
1Y-r Wrblr(Aud)101939433011314160
 Y-r Wrblr (Myr)         0
1Bl-th Gry Wrblr39 10 8    57
1Twnsds Wrbler 4  2    6
 Hermit Warbler         0
1McGlvry Wrbler10331     17
1C Yellowthroat5 8122   18
1Wlsons Wrbler1  2247 319
 Y-brsted Chat         0
1W. Tanager15 14272918 296
1Bl-hd Grsbeak38  92351  76
1Lazuli Bunting   4731 116
1Sptted Towhee143118155   56
1Chpng Sparrow92838311281 109
 Brwrs Sparrow         0
1Vespr Sparrow      1146
1Lark Sparrow    175 215
 Bl.thrtd Sprrw         0
cwSage Sparrow        cw0
1Savnh Sparrow1 4 17  1326
 Grshpr Sprrow         0
1Fox Sparrow1 2      3
1Song Sparrow113652312  1777
1Lnclns Sprrow    1   45
1G-crwn Sprrow 1 921 93649
1W-crwn Sprrow2015418528199100
 Sparrow, sp.2        2
1Drk-eye Junco361627622 5  112
1R-wing Blckbrd6031108531121527752465
 Tri-clrd Blckbrd         0
1W. Meadwlark841217789113451224
1Y-hd Blackbird    19    19
1Brwrs Blackbrd4824638075571899383
1Brn-hd Cowbird36312323029113219
 blackbird,sp         0
1Bullocks Oriole4  116  41237
1Purple Finch4 2 4 24 16
1Cassin's Finch     3   3
1House Finch59  18231010 21141
1Red Crossbill6        6
1Pine Siskin583 61087   182
1Lssr Goldfinch   2  4 39
1Am Goldfinch7 5621412 1570
1Evnng Grsbeak16613943618   255
1House Sprrow363 882 31627175
 Total birds13923771044164521034334013627128469
157Total species795476879061574475157
3Additional count week species        143
160Total species observed        4579160
 No. of parties21143111115
 No. of obsrvers34195224333
 Hours on foot6.54.7535754.752.67846.67
 Hours in car10.751.510.6721.51797.537.588.42
 Miles on foot64474.5321637.5
 Miles in car84.42076.48325850899854812.8
 No. of parties/ observers   01/01
 Hours   1.5
 Miles   5.6
 Start time620715500530645630600730505
 Stop time 160013301640194019002030181513102255
 Compiler C.J. FlickT. R. RobinsonB.HansenH. GilmoreD. LichtenwaldJ. AllingerJ.ButchartS.Johnston
 Others  E. Bjorkman D. ArnoldP. JohnstonT. WoodsL. AllingerF. ButchartJ. Bragg
   D. Sager K.Patterson   S.GoodnightT. Geernaert
   E. Sager     C.Goodnight
 CompilerD. Gadway  J. MinickP. Moyer
 OthersR.Gadway  L. WilsonV. Hicks
      T. Hill
 Compiler   L. MilesB. McKenzie
     M. Miles
 Compiler   Irene Bonham
     Henry Bonham
 Temperatures  35-7040-6042-6835-7540-7542-68
 Wind, mph   00-500 to<5 0-150-15
 Precipitation  000000
 Cloud cover, %  0000 to <500
 Birds of Interest:
 Other non-bird sightings: