Klickitat County Fall 2002
North American Migration Count

September 21, 2002

Compiled by Bob Hansen
Formatted for the Web by Jane Hadley

Conboy NWLR = Conboy Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Lower Rock Creek includes Dallesport this year.

North American Count Sectors for Klickitat County

Version 9.27
  Species Sectors Total
W. White
E. White
1Common Loon         11
1Pied-bill Grebe2  41   4112
 Horned Grebe          0
 Red-nckd Grbe          0
 Eared Grebe          0
 Western Grebe          0
 Clark's Grebe          0
1D-crstd Crmrnt    6   31019
 A. Bittern          0
1Gr Blue Heron3  1511 2114
1Great Egret         11
cwGreen Heron  cw       0
1Bl-cr Nght Hrn       1  1
1Turkey Vulture1 11146444  71
 Tundra Swan          0
 Gr.Wht-frtd Gs          0
1Snow Goose        1 1
1Canada Goose  22 87   1252173
1Wood Duck5  35   6 19
1Gadwall  1       1
1A. Wigeon  1240   37190
 wigeon, sp.  8       8
1Mallard16 4723152 969163
1Bl-winged Teal    2     2
1Cinnamon Teal         22
1N Shoveler         11
 N Pintail          0
1Gr-winged Teal    8   21727
 Redhead          0
1Rng-nckd Duck2 1612      30
 Greater Scaup          0
1Lesser Scaup        6 6
 scaup, sp          0
 Harlequin Duck          0
 C. Goldeneye          0
 B. Goldeneye          0
 Bufflehead          0
 Hd Merganser          0
1C Merganser     4    4
 R-brstd Mrgnsr          0
 Ruddy Duck          0
 duck, sp.         55
1Osprey     2  1 3
cwBald Eagle  cw       0
1N. Harriercw 331 11 211
1Sh-shnd Hawk22 1 11 1 8
1Cooper's Hawk1 21  1 1 6
 N. Goshawk          0
 accipiter,sp.    1     1
 Rd-shld. Hawk          0
 Swnsn's Hawk           0
1Rd-tailed Hawk3 6263125533
 R-legged Hawk          0
 buteo, sp    1     1
 Golden Eagle          0
1A. Kestral  2746463638
1Merlin  cw11     2
 Pergrne Falcon          0
1Prairie Falcon      1   1
 large falcon,sp          0
1Gray Partridge        61319
1Chukar       55 10
1R-nk Pheasant      2  13
 Blue Grouse          0
1Ruffed Grouse 4322     11
1Wild Turkey 22512 8    47
1California Quail  13 185255597132
1Virginia Rail    4 1  510
1Sora    1   1 2
1American Coot1 1041     16
 Sandhill Crane          0
 Semiplm Plvr          0
1Killdeer   1cw 2 9214
 Bl-necked Stilt          0
 Avocet          0
 G. Yellowlegs          0
 L. Yellowlegs          0
 Sltry Sndpiper          0
1Spt Sandpiper    1     1
 Uplnd Sndpiper          0
 Lng-blld Curlew          0
 Sanderling          0
 S-palm.Sndppr          0
 W. Sandpiper          0
 L. Sandpiper          0
 Baird's Sndppr          0
 Pectorial Sdnpr          0
 Dunlin          0
 S-billd Dwitchr          0
 L-billd Dwitchr          0
1Common Snipe        2 2
 W. Phalarope          0
 R-nk Phalarope          0
 Bonapartes Gl          0
1Ring-billed Gull    9   3 12
1California Gull  1 95   13 109
1Herring Gull          0
 Thayer's Gull          0
1Glcs-wngd Gull    3   1 4
 Sabine's Gull          0
 gull, species  6 17   10639
 Caspian Tern          0
 Common Tern          0
 Forster's Tern          0
1Sterna tern         2929
1Rock Dove    14  2214178
1Bnd-tld Pigeon 14        14
1Mourning Dove1   5511591854
 Barn Owl          0
1W Screch Owl    2     2
1Gr Horned Owl  1131    6
1N. Pygmy Owl1   1     2
 Burrowing Owl          0
1Barred Owl    5     5
 Sht-eared Owl          0
1N Saw-wet Owl    1     1
 owl, sp.          0
 C. Poorwill          0
1Vaux Swift 1        1
 Wh.thrtd Swift          0
 Bl-chndHmgbrd          0
 Anna's Hmgbrd          0
 Caliope Hmgbd          0
 Rufous Hmgbrd          0
1hummngbrd,sp     1    1
1Bltd Kingfisher2   24 12112
1Lewis Wdpckr  cw cw1321  16
1Acorn Wdpckr    2     2
 Rd-npd Spsckr          0
1R-brstd Spsckr   1      1
1Dwny Wdpckr21  1 1   5
1Hairy Wdpcker11 31     6
1W-hd Wdpcker  43      7
1N Flckr (R-shft)12914101971175599
 N Flckr (Y-shft)          0
1Pleatd Wdpckr11   1    3
 woodpckrs, sp 1        1
 Olv-sd Flyctchr          0
1W Wood Pwee   1      1
 Hmds Flyctchr          0
 Dsky Flyctcher          0
 Empidonax, sp1         1
 Gray Flyctcher          0
1P Slp Flyctchr        1 1
 Say's Phoebe          0
 A-thrt Flyctchr          0
 W Kingbird          0
 Lggrhd Shrike          0
1Cassin's Vireo 2      1 3
 Hutton's Vireo          0
 Warbling Vireo          0
 Red-eyed Vireo          0
1Gray Jay 13 3     7
1Steller's Jay531243253215751 193
1Scrub Jay221022240181010 116
 Clark's Ntcrckr          0
1Bl-blld Magpie      1 8110
1American Crow42719861285 327209
1C. Raven6 101105910 758
1Horned Lark       1171331
 Purple Martin          0
 Tree Swallow          0
1V-Gr Swallow27 12 178    64
 N.R-w Swallow          0
 Bank Swallow          0
 Cliff Swallow          0
1Barn Swallow    21 1   4
 swallow,sp. 1,100 20051     1351
1Bl-c Chickadee2 126 211  33
1Mtn Chickadee2 2318211   47
1Ch-b Chckadee1844 3      65
 chickadee,sp          0
 Bushtit          0
1R-brst Nuthtch118518151361  77
1W-brst Nuthtch    2 1   3
1Pygmy Nthtch5         5
1Brown Creeper3  1  1   5
1Rock Wren        325
1Canyon Wren     1  1 2
1Bewick's Wren  1 2   238
1House Wren        1 1
1Winter Wren 1       12
1Marsh Wren         11
1A. Dipper     3    3
1G-crwn Kinglet1942284    176
1R-crwn Kinglet 523  6 2624
1W. Bluebird   37516328194  373
1Mtn Bluebird  8    27 2863
 bluebird, sp.          0
1Twnd's Soltaire 5 1 1   18
 Swnsns Thrsh          0
1Hermit Thrush142   1   8
1A. Robin361316517141111016166
1Varied Thrush 1     61 8
 Sage Thrasher          0
1American Piptit     25 1 733
1C. Waxwing      13   13
1E. Starling1678582538811318431027857
1O-crwn Wrbler 1 21   6515
1Nshvlle Wrbler 1        1
1Yellow Warbler  1    3 15
1Y-r Wrblr(Aud)830151286136293419450
 Y-r Wrblr (Myr)          0
1Bl-th Gry Wrblr 2cw 1     3
1Twnsds Wrbler 2        2
 Hermit Warbler          0
1McGlvry Wrbler 1        1
1C Yellowthroat14         14
 Wlsons Wrbler          0
 Y-brsted Chat          0
 warbler, sp22  2    39
1W. Tanager    4     4
 Bl-hd Grsbeak          0
 Lazuli Bunting          0
1Sptted Towhee 2319111155350
1Chpng Sparrow    2 4730  79
 Brwrs Sparrow          0
 Vespr Sparrow          0
 Lark Sparrow          0
 Bl.thrtd Sprrw          0
 Sage Sparrow          0
1Savnh Sparrow  1 23 31816465
 Grshpr Sprrow          0
1Fox Sparrow2931 32 1122
1Song Sparrow3222 544261875
1Lnclns Sprrow  1 1 3 2512
1G-crwn Sprrow151411 2 12 3461
1W-crwn Sprrow 4201230 28202926169
 sparrow, sp.    1    1819
1Drk-eye Junco21342846102515164 199
 Slte-clrd Junco4         4
1R-wing Blckbrd75 930111141 14245
Tri-clrd Blckbrd          0
1W. Meadwlark3  1114111523371
 Y-hd Blackbird          0
1Brwrs Blackbrd  1850102014151119
 Brn-hd Cowbird          0
 blackbird,sp    10    4656
 Bullocks Oriole          0
1Purple Finch       11  11
1Cassin's Finch  cw   42  6
1House Finch2129106030292745242
 finch, sp 2        2
1Red Crossbill 3 1      4
1Pine Siskin4  9 4    17
1Lssr Goldfinch    4  2  6
1Am Goldfinch5 1 699 33366
1Evnng Grsbeak52        7
1House Sprrow   107440  2328175
 Total birds643140355298612495624846306535907752
131Total species4439 53704450  58
 Additional count week species     2
 Total species observed     72
 No. of parties111121111111
 No. of obsrvers322254132226
 Hours on foot6.57.31.53317.20.597.6
 Hours in car11.67.57.5874.211.545.2
 Miles on foot611311.240.251.12
 Miles in car6307966.5705742113.514077
 No. of parties/ observers    01/01
 Hours    1.5
 Miles    5
 Start time645750800630700700750730545645
 Stop time 1450193019001700192715001910192318451933
 Compiler C.J. FlickK.GlueckertD. GadwayR. RobinsonB.HansenR.DobsonD. Licht-J. AllingerAnn MuscheS.Johnston
 Others E. BjorkmanB. McKenzieR.GadwayJ.HadleyJ. BraggJ. MinickenwaldL. AllingerAlan RichardsB.Robinson
  T.Bjorkman   C.WatrousL.Wilson B.Allinger
       P. Minick
 Compiler    Irene Bonham
      Henry Bonham
 Temperatures3.5-20 C 50-75 40-70 50-7545-65
 Wind, mph 0-5 0-15 0-15c-w0-10E0-300 - 203-10
 Precipitation0 0 000000
 Cloud cover, %0 0 000001-5
 Birds of Interest:
 Other non-bird sightings:
  Spotted Frog   1 Monarch 1 W.Grey  3 Monarchs18 Bl.-tailed deer
  1 female   ButtterflySquirrel  Cabbage Skipper, sp.
  1 male or juv.       Morman Metalmark,
          Ochre Ringlet